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"The Hottest Band in the Land" and truly in a class by themselves, KISS released their third studio album, Dressed to Kill, in March 1976 on Casablanca Records. It peaked at #32 on the Billboard 200 Album Chart and reached Gold status the following year. Dressed to Kill contains the anthemic "Rock and Roll All Night," one of KISS's best-known songs. 


Included in this outstanding memorabilia grouping is a copy of the Dressed to Kill LP, hand-signed by all four members of KISS: Peter Criss, Ace Frehley, Paul Stanley, and Gene Simmons.


Framed above the LP is a limited edition photo of the members of KISS in their fully costumed glory in 1976, the year their Destroyer album was released. The photo is hand-lettered "KISS! 1976" and numbered 109/275.


LP cover signed by KISS





31" x 44"

Kiss Dressed to Kill LP & Destroyer photo *Signed

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